Ecosystem Health & Stewardship (CMS) Tier 1
The Province is proposing to co-develop the CMS with interested coastal Indigenous peoples is over the next 18 months, with the release of a draft strategy for external consultation in late 2022 and a final strategy expected by mid-2023.
Some work has already commenced and the next step proposed in this collaborative process is to convene virtual First Nations technical sessions with staff to build on the proposed themes, draft principles, and identify solutions for issues that have been raised in the engagement process thus far.
These sessions will also contribute to the development of an “intentions” paper that will outline the proposed policy direction for the management and use of coastal and marine environments in British Columbia. The paper is meant to stimulate an open conversation and create opportunities for others to comment on the elements that will inform the CMS (e.g., proposed vision, opportunities and challenges assessment, path to achieving the vision).