Save our Salmon Coalition

Extinction is not an option.

We need to take action now.

The population of the five wild Pacific salmon species in British Columbia is dwindling.

The population has decreased by

over 90% since the 1970s.

We need a healthy wild Pacific salmon population to have a healthy ecosystem. Iconic Canadian species like bears and orca rely on salmon to survive. The loss of salmon could mean the loss of these species.

Coalition Goals

To ensure pacific Wild salmon never go extinct, we will:


awareness about the looming threat of wild Pacific salmon extinction


First Nations-led solutions


for First Nations to policy makers to proactively shift the status quo


the solutions that are being communicated to policy makers

Extinction is not an option

Did you know salmon is an iconic symbol of B.C.?

It's central to who we are and is recognized the world over as linked to B.C.

If wild Pacific salmon collapse, other iconic Canadian species like orcas and bears are at risk.

Without taking action now, future generations will learn about salmon

in museums with dinosaurs.

Salmon populations are collapsing. I’m supporting the Save our @SalmonCoalition because extinction is not an option. #Salmon #WildSalmon #protectwildsalmon
Fish art on a fence
Orca's head popping out of the ocean

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